Monday, June 15, 2009

Sometimes I find it terrifying how quickly the time passes these days. One day it's Friday and I'm putting up a new entry and the next, well it's Monday and it's time to put up a brand new entry. But anyway, I'm sticking to my word and providing you guys with the ground work for my two new paintings!

Check them out!

I haven't done the color studies for the second painting just yet, but I did a color study previously for the first one in markers in the last post, which still needs to be fixed from a CMYK to RGB to show the colors properly, but so far they look pretty good and they'll look pretty good when they're done. What do you guys think of these pieces so far?

I'm also working on a one page comic involving a time I travelled to New York City with my friend Sherrie and I stupidly tried to use a subway map as a road map. I'm afraid there isn't that much left to say than that I gave blood and I got some inspiration from sitting in a chair giving blood, so I need to start thumbnailing that.

Check out these sketches to end on a positive note.


  1. Nice studies! The pencil ones are my favorite.
    And I think my postcards look better scanned in over again - I like the grunginess!

    Keep it up! New stuff is great to see, even if it's old new stuff. :)

  2. I can't wait to see the comic work. I like the sketch for the painting of Sherrie best.
