Sunday, March 15, 2009

Good News For People Who Loathe Bad News

I've got good news for this update! Hence, the odd subject title for this particular update...

I got into the Illustration department's section of Mass Art's All School Show! I submitted five pieces four of which you've seen here in my blog in the very first post and only one managed to get in. Do you want to guess which one got in?

In case if you didn't guess or just didn't know, it's none other than "Bear Girl"! And in case if you don't remember what that looked like 'cause you never saw it here it is again!

I'm pretty satisfied with myself because I skipped out last year on doing anything for the All School Show and the Illustration section of the all school show is really competitive. It's a small feat, but it's something I'm really, really, really proud of... Let's hope I can still get into shows after school is all said and done!

Anyway, in terms of new work I do have a few new things to show you. One of them is that little painting I mentioned that I was doing for fun. It's a water color practice that I've been working on that's based off of a photograph of my friend Kevin and my girlfriend Gillian. Take a look!

It's not done yet, but when it is I'll definitely show it then. But from what I've gotten in terms of criticism is to use more vibrant colors, which I'll put into effect as I work on it since I'm trying not to copy all the colors in the original photograph. I think I'm doing a pretty good job at the moment, but let's see how this all pans out.

Next up was an experiment that I did out of boredom and burnout that I learned from my black and white illustration teacher, Mr. Reusch. The entire idea behind this is that you use an eye dropper to draw everything on a page, fill in the blacks and then go in with white gouache to clean it up, add highlights and whites... It resulted in me drawing Bob Dylan.

I actually don't get why I've been on a HUGE Bob Dylan kick really, it's possibly due to the fact he's a figure that interests me greatly because it seemed like he lived the life all artists want to live at some point... That and the guy's practically a legend and his music has left some kind of impact on the world, that and him made damn good music and I own three vinyl records by him that I wish I could rip onto my iPod... But that's for when I get a USB turntable.

But anyway, back to the art... I was actually quite satisfied with the way that this turned out! It just looks really cool and it shows a lot of attitude in the work to boot, it feels strong and I'm considering using it in my portfolio to show one aspect of my black and white skills... Maybe, we'll see.

I also have work from my Word and Image class to show as well, it's from the project we just finished up "Liz, Betty and Elizabeth". Check this out, boys and girls!

The story behind these girls for this assignment, is that I essentially designed three women with personality disorders. They range from extreme (Liz), humorous (Betty) to somewhat "normal" (Elizabeth) and I used the motif of the words breaking out of the images to help tie them together to solve an issue with composition.

Out of all of these I'm afraid that I have to say that Betty is the character who came out the best. I think it's because she was the most fun to draw and even devise a color scheme for, I hate to say it but the other girls were after thoughts that were developed because of Betty... But even then Liz is an awesome close second and Elizabeth... Well, Elizabeth is just weird.

I did wish I painted the other two with backgrounds like Betty though. They really would have benefitted from them in a lot of ways... Would have made their text easier to read in some cases and it would have really made them pop out in one case in particular. I'm thinking of redoing these in Photoshop and Illustrator, once I get my hands on a brand new tablet, because I thought these would look pretty swell as digital pieces... and because I really need the practice, I may be getting rusty.

Unfortunately, I've got no sketches to show this week because I CLEARLY didn't scan anything in... But next time, there will be. Especially since my dad just got me a new mini sketchbook recently, so you're going to see a lot of either field stuff, writing or just little doodles that I'm sure will brighten your day.

'Til next time!