Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Light Reading

Unfortunately, I was a bit on the late side with getting the new entry up this weekend. I unfortunately didn't plan my weekend out accordingly since my girlfriend came from New Hampshire to visit and I had to work all weekend. I'm starting to think that it might be wise to start scanning in everything I finish on a daily basis and keeping a draft post until I need to post it on Friday or Saturday.

Artwork is going to be on the light side for this post and I do have a lot to discuss about upcoming projects, but I'll keep my mouth shut until the next entry needs to be posted and just give you the goods.

These are the best sketches from two different sketch books I've been keeping. One is my Word and Image sketchbook (the top) and the bottom is the sketch book I have to keep for my major since they're doing a new sketchbook project to encourage (or force, depending on how you look at it) more sketchbook use. I need to work more with backgrounds, so I'm thinking of just focusing on scenery in my sketchbooks over human figure study as of this moment. I'll have to find a way to balance the two effectively.

These two prints are Linoleum Block Prints of my friend Sherrie and is the first in a series of several portraits of personal friends of mine. There are actually four different colored prints of this image but the blue and black were the only good ones worth showing here. The rest are all archival work now. I actually just got started on sketching my girlfriend for the next block print and I should have that carved and ready to print very soon.

All of these right here is process work for my new project in Word and Image. The entire point of the assignment is to find fonts that associate with characters created from either Jim, Jimmy or James or Liz, Betty or Elizabeth. I chose the latter and decided to create women who were mentally disturbed but sexy. (Sexy girls seems to be a common theme in every class I've been in that Suzanne Barnes taught... Weird.) To give you a quick idea of who is who, Liz is an elegant Helena Bonham Carter-esque psychopath, Elizabeth is a model who thinks she's either a saint or the Virgin Mary and Betty is a girl who thinks she's a robot and would most likely be some kind of camera whore on Myspace. I'm actually having a lot of fun with this assignment since I'm forced to think about creative font placement and designing these characters who I may or may not rename and use in other assignments. (Betty especially, I could see myself doing a comic about a faux-robo girl's dating experiences.) But more on that as the next update comes along.

And now, to leave you on a cute note... Another cardboard cut out work, this time of an Orchid for my girlfriend for Valentine's Day. It's a simple work, but cardboard cutouts should be just that in my opinion. Simple!

Tune in for the next entry since it's later this week and it'll feature a good deal more work, more talk about upcoming projects and heavier reading equipped with light grenades!

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